If you’re looking for my wedding photography or my portrait photography websites, please click the link.
Before I studied and worked as a photojournalist at a couple newspapers in Dubuque, Iowa and here in Bend, Oregon, the photography I did mostly was landscape photography. I also did pictures of my friends partying in San Francisco, thus the foundation for my newspaper work and now my wedding photography work, but that’s another story.
Outdoors photography remains my favorite discipline. I love going on road trips to beautiful places and exploring ideas for pictures in them. It seems like most everybody loves doing the same thing, so I’m not at this time worried about trying to sell any on this website.
Working on my wedding photography, portrait photography, and landscape photography all takes too much time and energy for me to add in the frustrating work of figuring out how to sell pictures online for unkown profits. Eventually perhaps, but right now I’m trying to just do what’s worked in the past, which is focus my efforts on wedding and portrait photography and just do and blog about what I love most which is landscape photography.
Enjoy the website! I’ve separated the pictures into colors and one in black and white. Right now I’m attempting three blog posts a week to help spread the word about my work. You’ll find more information on the posts.
I’m also going to start revisiting old road trips and squeeze out any more nice pictures. Oftentimes I pick out what might look good at the start of an edit but then revisiting edits I find hidden gems. Plus, starting this website and doing the blog makes me feel the need to get out on yet more road trips to both previously visited and to new and unexplored places.
Thanks for visiting!